About Olivia DeKold

  • I am 18+ years of age Yes
  • Viewed 168

About me

With college classes online I want to use this time to travel! I a absolutely willing and able to move for a seasonal job. Cashiering is what I have the most experience with but I am enthusiastic to fill any position. I do love interacting with customers and answering the phones was always my favorite part about Cashiering. In addition to that I work well in fast paced environments.


  • 2020 - 2020
    Rural King


    Was a cashier but also did a lot of other floor work including cleaning bathrooms and answering phones.

  • 2019 - 2020
    Rapid Fired Pizza


    Greeter was my title but I did a wide array of jobs including washing dishes, cleaning bathrooms, and cashiering.
