About thomas craig
I am 18+ years of age Yes
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About me
My name is Thomas Craig. I have over 25 years in the service industry working in every capacity. I have led teams of over 50 for FOH and BOH set-up and execution. I am an expert Culinarian with a deep love of creating food experiences. I am am frugal and cost effective. Clean and concise, calm under pressure and a leader by example. After a successful career as an Executive Chef, I am ready to take my skills on the road. My wife and I decided to travel and see the country while we are still young enough to enjoy it! I am aware that my skill level may be off putting to some potential employers and that is a valid concern. having said that, at this point in my life I don’t necessarily need an Executive position. I would be very content just cooking as it is my passion. Please consider me as I know i would be a valuable asset to your team.
Thank You
Thomas Craig
1994 - Present
See resume
See resume